Tag Archives: small business

viking pavers wordpress website by KO-Websites

KO-Websites Creates a New Website for Viking Pavers

KO-Websites Launches New Mobile-Friendly WordPress Website

KO-Websites recently designed and launched a brand new website for Viking Pavers, a Bay Area paver installation company that is located in the San Francisco, Bay Area. This website is fully functional and mobile responsive, so that customers using any online device can easily navigate and find the appropriate information on the site. Included in the new website, is a Knowledge Center where visitors can find good information on different hardscape methods and materials. Included on the homepage and throughout the site are video testimonials and samples of Viking Pavers work. Continue reading

Are you a small company? Lets find out.

KO wonders if they do web design for small or large companies…

Recently, I’ve had several conversations about the “company sizes” that we do web design, web hosting and web marketing for. We use loosely the term “small company,” “medium company” and “large company” and one client asked me what we considered a small company. I said sells under $2 million a year; an answer that I freely admit that I plucked from thin air. I thought that this was a very fair question and as I started to school myself on contracting for the US government, I found the official answer. Continue reading